Hello, I’m Mírian! 👋🏼

Mírian having coffee at Aboa Vetus Ars Nova museum in Turku (Finland), in 2015.

I’m an experienced IT professional, with a mixed industry, government and academy background, passionate about crafting solutions to help people and businesses thrive. I provide training and consulting services on technical documentation, customer service and business processes to support these areas.

My interests range from language and culture to education, law, politics and technology. I hold a Master degree in Computer Science from PUCRS (2010), and three Bachelor degrees: Law (2020), Information Systems and Computer Science (2008), all from Unisinos. For my full list of publications, check out my Lattes academic profile.

When I’m not at work or thinking about my next projects, my favorite activities are reading, writing (check out Asylum, my interactive fiction piece submitted to Ludum Dare Game Jam!), learning languages, watching fantasy TV series or movies, trying out new flavours, yoga practicing and traveling.